Friday, December 07, 2007

Poly Gathering cum Dinner Night

New Function Room
& New Survey Lab with showcase

Tonight I went back to my poly for some gathering and buffet dinner with my classmates and colleagues at about 6.30pm. Today I sneaked off from work early for the gathering. Haha. Rare chance. But Jialat, work also rushing…

It has been quite some time for me to return back to poly again since I graduated from there 6 years ago. Back in the campus, I saw many familiar faces from NTU and the lecturers who taught us in the past.

In addition, the former surveying classroom has been converted to a clubhouse/function room which is not bad for the purpose. Other than that, I also noticed the surveying lab has been modified and integrated with modern and spacious classroom design. Outside the surveying lab, there is also some showcase of the leveling instruments. It seems like a exhibition. Quite interesting. Ü

In the function room, we chatted with each other for a while before we gathered outside for the buffet dinner and continue chatting with friends and lecturers again. After than we went inside the function room again to do some survey forms. But why all the questions in the survey form seem so tough?? We need to circle between the ranking of 1 to 5, but the remark of rank 1 to 5 also seems confusing…

After the survey, we continued chatting for a while before we left home from the campus at around 9+pm. It’s good returning back to the campus again and noticed quite a few changes to the school. Cheers. Ü

(New Built Environment Logo Banner)

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